I love to visit both indoor and outdoor classrooms for students of all ages — please contact me if you are interested in having me…


sample syllabi

guest lectures

Below is a selection of presentations I have given in university classrooms. Please contact me if you would like to see my slides, use them, or invite me to your classroom!

A presentation about the effects of invasive species and sedimentation on coral reefs.

A presentation about the effects of invasive species and sedimentation on coral reefs.

A presentation about marine invasive species, including lionfish in the Caribbean and many examples of vertebrates and invertebrates in Hawai‘i.

A presentation about marine invasive species, including lionfish in the Caribbean and many examples of vertebrates and invertebrates in Hawai‘i.

A presentation about indigenous Hawaiian resource management, made for non-Hawaii audience.

A presentation about indigenous Hawaiian resource management, made for non-Hawaii audience.

A presentation about the effects of fishing pressure on parasite communities in marine ecosystems.

A presentation about the effects of fishing pressure on parasite communities in marine ecosystems.

workshop materials

On multiple occasions, I have led an interactive seminar about marine food webs. As part of this workshop, I used Schoolyard Films video (below) about invasive lionfish, “Invasion of the Alien Fish,” and the associated classroom activities and games. These have been adapted for elementary, middle, and high school classrooms — I highly recommend the card game as a tool for learning about food webs on coral reefs!
