Hanauma Talks Seminar Series at Hanauma Bay, Hawai‘i (2019)

Hawai'i Sea Grant and the City and County of Honolulu present: Marine invasives: should we "eat them to beat them"? by Dr. Lillian Tuttle, HIMB.

music video appearance

My 15 minutes of fame :) Thanks to my friend, Kristal Ambrose of the Bahamas Plastic Movement, I am in a music video with O‘ahu’s own, Jack Johnson. All of the plastic pollution in this video was collected in one hour within 100 yards of where we filmed, at the James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge. Please visit the Johnson family’s Kōkua Hawai‘i Foundation website for more information about their ‘Plastic Free Hawai‘i’ initiative, including beach cleanups!


Interview aboard the R/V Sikuliaq about plankton — what an honor to be a science crew member as part of the NSF Long-Term Ecological Research program in the Northern Gulf of Alaska! This clip will be featured in the upcoming documentary, “Microcosm”, about the wonders of microscopic organisms in the ocean. Filmed by the enthusiastic educator, Michelle Hoffman Trotter.

An 11 min introduction by Lionfish University to the lionfish invasion in the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico and Western Atlantic, arguably one of the worst marine disasters in history. Written by JV Hart, Stacy Frank and Lillian Tuttle (LFU Chief Science advisor) and narrated by Erin Spencer.

This video is believed to be the first photo documentation of a grouper making an open water kill of an invasive lionfish without encouragement of any kind by a diver. Footage by Jim Hart, co-founder and executive director of Lionfish University.

lionfish guide: collection, dissection, & parasite examination

Prepared by myself and Dr. Christie L. Wilcox, another lionfish biologist. Please feel free to use and distribute. Contact me if you have any questions. Click on the buttons below for the guide and associated datasheets.

invasive lionfish e-book and podcast

Research Highlight in Scientia Periodical:

news & radio

Click each image to take you to the relevant article…

Special guest on OSU radio show, Inspiration Dissemination, KBVR 88.7. 2013, Corvallis, Oregon:

invited blog posts

Click each image to take you to the relevant blogpost, hosted by the Cape Eleuthera Institute, Bahamas…